Saturday, May 24, 2014

May 23-24 The Doctor and the Wedding

May 23rd, I went to confession and the priest gave me very wise advice. I hope and pray I will be able to follow through with his advice.

My brother, sister and I went to visit my mother's doctor. She looked at my mother and checked her up. Physically, my mother is healthy, but her mind is slowly giving. She is in the early stages of Alzheimers'. Please pray for her.

Today is the wedding of my wife's nephew. This was held at the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. It is the home of the Discalced Carmelites. The ceremony was simple but very meaningful. The priest used to be an assistant parish priest in our parish and he knows the family quite well.

It is very different if the priest knows those who are getting married because the homily is more personal. Bottom line, the message was, you need God in your marriage. There may be times when you can solve your problems on your own, but there will come a time when you cannot. This is the time when you need God to step into your marriage.

After the wedding, the reception was at the Oasis, which is close to the Church. The company was good and the food was good. There were a lot of speeches and most of them were really heartfelt and emotional.

I pray for the couple who got married. May the Lord continue to bless them and lead them to a blissful and happy marriage.

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